Has it ever happened to you to go to the shops and not find anything suitable for your size?

Have you ever felt bad in front of the saleswomen who told you from the door: "We don't have your size!" ?

It often happens that you can't find dresses for events or even casual clothing and you think "Why do the big manufacturers only work with S, M and L?"

It always happened to me... and this is where our story begins, from this need that I felt on my skin!

Thus I managed to create a brand, a new tailoring concept, all online! And yes, I succeeded! Since 2016 we fulfill wishes, dreams and needs! And we don't stop here!

Starting today, we are taking the brand to 10XL!

In these years, I have managed to create a team with the necessary experience to create your long-dreamed-of dresses and outfits, without a sample, according to just a few dimensions that you can easily measure at home! Don't panic, it's super simple!

Dare to believe in yourself, dare to get out of the big and dark things!

Trust us!

Dare to be you, smile and dream!
You are beautiful, you are special!


A. L. Popescu